Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Citizens of California, read this!

In the lastest issue of EFFector, the EFF reports that "[pollworkers] in Santa Clara County are being trained not to offer voters a chance to use paper ballots".

Kevin Shelley, the California Secretary of State, ruled in May that paper ballots must be made available at polls due to the questionable nature of electronic voting (which is rightly questioned, in my opinion). However, "pollworkers ... are being instructed not to tell voters that this option is available. Instead, they will make paper ballots available only if voters specifically request them."

This is pretty bad. People need the options presented to them. Not disclosing an option is just one step away from not making it available at all.

So, California voters in Santa Clara county, consider yourselves informed. Ask for a paper ballot when you vote two Tuesdays from now. It's in everyone's best interest.

Link to article:

More information on electronic voting:

UPDATE: (27 October 2004)
The EFF has created a website to educate Calfornia residents about the options of using paper ballots instead of the default e-voting machines.